Thursday, February 5, 2009

Spring Initiative: Arizona Anarchist Assembly

Spring 2009 Arizona Anarchist Assembly:
A Culmination of lengthening days and struggles.

A gathering for friends, comrades, and those with affinity: Ye
s, you, you, you, and you too.

The Phoenix Class War Council is celebrating the spring, a time for passion and love, the erection of the Maypole, and shedding dead weight for the birth of the all that is new.

In our celebration, we must also renew our energies and focus on that which hinders human happiness, freedom, and a balance with the natural world. Arizona is a complex of oppression: a system of walls, barriers, cameras, and regulated movements, all of this enforced by the authorities of capital and bureaucracy, matching the blood thirst of a reactionary public.

Anarchists, we challenge these regulations! We've challenged them before there was a name for those who seek total liberation, through the wars and strikes, migration and deportation, the firing squad and the noose, the state and capitalists, the left and the right, we have fought for a world worth living in, it is our history and future.

Arizona is a haven for those seeking the other way, once the home of the indigenous and natural ways, later murderously seized by settlers manifesting their white supremacist "destiny". A centuries old nightmare for those who dream of freedom for all, we know as well there has always been resistance.

The ball is in our court. Let’s chat.

This is an invitation to anarchists from all corners of the state to come to Tempe.
This meeting will be held on the final day of the Local to Global Justice, however this event is not affiliated with the conference, meaning this is not a scheduled workshop. This event is an initiative of the Phoenix Class War Council and is the result of discussions between a handful anarchists who desire a dialogue between those of us in struggle in Arizona. We are not calling for this event with the intent to build a new organization, or to make a series of big decisions, we see this gathering as a mere step in (re)building our presence and our collective strength.

Contact the Phoenix Class War Council with comments, concerns, questions, and complaints at:

3 PM
Sunday March 1, 2009

Meet at the Farmer Atrium

ASU Main Campus
Tempe, Arizona

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