Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Audio of the August Beer & Revolution is now online, listen to Joel Olson's talk on fanaticism

by Collin Sick

An eight part recording of Joel Olson's talk from last month's Beer & Revolution has been posted to the PCWC youtube page and is available for viewing. Thirty people came to the third monthly anarchist social night, held at a bar, to hear Joel drop knowledge on his study on fanaticism, and, of course, to throw back some beers as well. The eight parts cover most of the two hour talk, and the following Q&A, the final thirty minutes were left out because many of the questions and discussion were difficult to understand.

Joel's political study of fanaticism has been covered a few times on this blog by Phoenix Insurgent (and on a talk Joel gave on Abolitionism and Wendall Phillips back in 2006), for us at PCWC, we see the fanatic values of the Garrisonian abolitionists as having the potential to be instructive to the American anarchist movement. Anarchists taking in the lessons of the Abolitionist extremists, and their challenges to slavery and white supremacy, may tell us more about the make-up of the next revolutionary movement in the U.S. than any of the fires of Greece, South Korea, or Mexico can. In short, as insurrectionary anarchists, shouldn't we have an analysis of revolt that is both international in scope, and based in an American historical context? This is a question we'll continue to explore in our politics.

Below is the first part of Joel's talk, click here to go directly to the playlist to checkout all eight segments.

1 comment:

  1. i feel my comments were very valid in this and i wish Joel Olsen would contact me, and i want to see(contribute to) this book. Can anybody give me a contact?

    The newest Fanaticism : Zeitgeist a coalescence of; Anarchism, Brights Movement, Pirate Politics, Non violent Communication, Raw Foods, Technology and The end of Corporate slavery and the Profit motive driven by false Scarcity/monetary economics.
