Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Words of Disobedience: New publications from Phoenix area anarchist projects

There's a handful of new anarchist print projects from the valley worth mentioning, the first couple come from Stronghold, this self titled zine signals the end of the Survival Solidarity project out of the Tucson area, and the birth of what looks to be a number of interesting and challenging projects in the near future. Following the trajectory of the DO@ bloc and critique, Stronghold continues to build a narrative focused around the attack on colonialism and eco-destruction, solidarity with indigenous and migrant struggles, and fighting all controls and borders.

The first project was quickly followed by a second zine, this one is totally dedicated to the struggle to stop the desecration of the San Francisco Peaks, a sacred site to thirteen tribes in northern Arizona. I'm impressed with the consistent anti-colonialism coming from Stronghold,
and look forward to whatever is coming next from these folks.

Also available is a new publication from our pals at So What If All The Colleges Burn Down?, drawing inspiration from Paul Virilio their latest piece "ACCIDENT or ATTACK?: On Praxis" offers some new thoughts on the "accident" and what this means for insurrectionist attack.

Finally, while not yet available in a pamphlet format, our comrade sallydarity's latest piece "Invasion by Birth Canal? The fourteenth amendment and its opponents’ motivations" is a much needed anti-authoritarian response to the latest racist attack on immigrants and communities of color. Sallydarity deftly tears apart the birthright citizenship arguments offered by anti-immigrant politician Russell Pearce and the John Tanton network of anti-immigrant groups operating under a populist cover of environmentalism, or overpopulation to advance the racist argument for controlling the movement and bodies of non-white people.

Take the time to check out the publications coming out of the various projects in the valley, it certainly is an exciting development to see so many writing projects this summer to match the inspiring resistance we've seen to SB 1070, border militarization, and the attacks on indigenous people over the summer. We look forward to the words, and deeds, of disobedience continuing this autumn, here in this occupied O'odham land.

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