Tuesday, October 25, 2011

#Occupy Phoenix reading roundup for 10/25

The latest news of interest in our continually updated readings regarding the #occupy movement:

Occupy Tucson protesters launch satellite camps (Associated Press)
Occupy Tucson costing city thousands (KVOA)
Screw the PiggyBackers (Occupy Los Angeles)
Beyond Occupy Wall Street: 11 American Uprisings You've Never Heard of That Changed the World (BeyondChron)
Dear, Occupy Oakland: A letter on strategy (Occupy Oakland)
On #Occupy: Ryan Harvey (AK Press)

Chemical bomb tossed into Occupy Maine encampment (Portland Press Herald)

Occupy Albany: Under pressure to make arrests, police and troopers push back (Times Union)

Occupation Movement: Hactivists expose police and police brutality (Censored News)

Toward a Radical Strategy in Decolonize/Occupy Seattle (Black Orchid Collective)

Seattle: The Anarchist Anxiety (The Stranger)

Is Madagascar the model for Occupy Wall Street? (Globe and Mail)

Occupy Oakland's diversity is strength, challenge (San Francisco Chronicle)

Occupy Denver: 4 busted in police raid on squat (Denver Westword)

UPDATE: DPD Raids Squat, Support Needed (Denver Anarchist Black Cross)

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